Action, Adventure, Honor
One Of Our Favorite Trips!!
BSA Troop 123 is an active group of youth and adults working together to achieve the goals of Scouting. Our Troop’s focus is to develop future leaders of America, by providing training and leadership opportunities through scouting. This will be accomplished by teaching and promoting the Oath and Scout Law, developing their responsibility and skills through rank advancement, and providing a proud, supportive environment.
More About Our Troop
Troop 123, based in Merrick, has proudly served the surrounding communities for over 50 years. As scouts advance to the rank of Eagle Scout, your young scout will learn to become outstanding citizens through a fun program designed to build confidence, character, leadership, and invaluable skills guiding them through school, college and life.
We take monthly trips to scout camps and other area attractions as well as some special out-of-state high adventure trips. The troop makes it a point to give back to the community through various community & environmental service projects.
Visit our troop and find out what our troop can offer you! Contact us to set up a visit!
We meet twice a month on Tuesdays at 7pm!
Basement level of the Scared Heart Church School
720 Merrick Ave. Merrick, NY
2023 - Christian Ferrante, Antonio Telese
2022 - Ethan Lido
2021 - Kyle Berberich, August Bresnaider, Anthony D'Amato, Michael Clement, Tristan Hladky, Alex Carpenter, Brody Coppola, James Bodendorf
2020 - Dylan Lopez, Deven Kirpalani,
2019 - Conner Clement, Zach Golub, Peter Macaluso, Nicholas Carrano, Bradley Berkowitz, Liam Parrish, Matthew Cicero, Ryan Shand, Ryan Peckoff, Nicholas Carlino, Adam Castella
2018 - Dillon Peckoff, Sean Bies, Luke Berberich, Francis Berberich III, Sean Heverin, Sean McGinn
Contact Us
Are you interested in joining the troop? Questions? Concerns? Let us know!

A scout is never taken by surprise; he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens.
- Lord Robert Baden-Powell
Troop 123
720 Merrick Ave
Merrick, NY 11566